How Viruses & Malware are Stealing your Data

As an MSP (Managed Service Provider), Stonebridge is all too familiar with the dangers of Malware. Which is why we aim to provide the best cybersecurity possible. We understand the ins and outs of Malicious Software and how to prevent them from doing harm. But not everyone is quite so familiar.

Despite how frequent attacks and cyber threats have become, most people are still unaware of how just how at risk your data truly is when something like this is present. We’ve written previous blogs going over the best way to store data but today we’re going to be explaining all the nasty details of how these types of malware can do you harm.

Data Theft

Some viruses are specifically designed to steal personal information. They can scan your computer for files containing sensitive data such as passwords, credit card numbers, or social security numbers, and then send this information back to the hacker. With this data, hackers can carry out fraudulent activities, which could have devastating consequences for the victims.


Keylogging viruses are particularly sinister, as they secretly record each keystroke you make. When you type a password, credit card number, or any sensitive information, the virus records it and sends it back to the hacker. This information can be used for identity theft, unauthorized purchases, and various other malicious purposes.

Ransomware Attacks

Ransomware is a highly disruptive type of virus. It encrypts the files on your computer, rendering them inaccessible, and then demands a ransom in exchange for the decryption key. This can leave your personal data, photos, and work documents locked away. Even if you decide to pay the ransom, there is no guarantee that the hacker will provide the decryption key, or that they won’t attack again.


Spyware is designed to monitor your activities stealthily. It can capture information about which websites you visit, whom you communicate with, and other personal data. The information collected can be used for targeted advertising, identity theft, or sold on the dark web for further exploitation.

Email and Social Media Hijacking

Your communication channels are not safe either. Some viruses can gain access to your email or social media accounts and send messages or posts on your behalf. This can include sending spam or malicious links to your contacts, or altering your messages to include content you did not intend to share, thereby damaging your reputation.

Network Propagation

A virus does not restrict itself to one device. Once it is on your computer, it can attempt to move laterally to other devices connected to the same network. This means it can compromise shared files and data stored on other devices, spreading the infection and amplifying the damage.

Exploiting Vulnerabilities

Lastly, viruses often exploit vulnerabilities in your operating system or software to gain unauthorized access to your data. Through these loopholes, they can also take control of your computer’s camera or microphone, invading your privacy in the most personal way.


Understanding the risks and the ways in which viruses can exploit your data is the first step in protecting yourself. To mitigate these risks, it’s crucial to keep your software and operating systems updated, use robust anti-virus programs, and be vigilant about the sites you visit and the files you download. Educating yourself and staying proactive is the key to maintaining the security of your computer data.

For solutions to cybersecurity issues you can keep up to date with our blog or check out our service page for solutions we offer that are available to you.

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